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What Happens if You Skip Jury Duty and Get Called Again

Florida jury dutyJurors perform an essential role in the arrangement of American justice, with jury service considered an integral duty of citizenship. Even so every yr, about three/4 of those summoned for Florida jury duty don't show up, co-ordinate to The Sunday-Sentry.

In fairness, some of those who skip out are legitimately exempt. What many fail to realize is that skipping out on jury duty is against the police force and carries a penalty.

So what happens if you miss jury duty? Equally our Fort Myers civil trial lawyers tin can explain, there are two unlike answers to this: The possibility and the actuality. That said, it is not a service we would advise blowing off lightly.

Florida Jury Duty FAQs

Before nosotros delve into what tin can happen if you practise not bear witness, permit'south touch how the process works.

In Florida, prospective jurors are selected randomly from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles records, which include all residents eighteen years or older with driver'due south licenses or a Florida Identification Bill of fare.

Most jury service stints will final a day or and so, if that. This is because many cases practise non really end in a trial. Both Civil and criminal cases are ofttimes settled or plea bargained far in advance of a trial, but sometimes these agreements can be reached the morning of trial, in the middle of trial or even equally jurors deliberate. Fifty-fifty if you are not selected to serve on a jury trial, equally long as you show upward as scheduled, the arrangement volition consider your jury service obligation fulfilled for the total year. (In some instances, you may be given find electronically the night earlier or the morning of that your presence is non necessary. This yet counts.)

Under land and federal law, employers must let their employees time off for jury duty. Employees cannot be punished for serving equally jurors, though it is upwards to the employer'south discretion to pay y'all during your absence.

Federal courts in Florida pay jurors $50 daily for their service, plus payment for round-trip mileage from their dwelling address to the courthouse each 24-hour interval they serve. Parking fees, tolls and public transport costs are also reimbursed.

Jurors in Florida state courtroom cases receive far less. Statutes allow that for the first three days, if your employer does non pay your regular wages for your service or y'all are not employed, you are entitled to $xv daily. That gets bumped up to $30/mean solar day if you serve longer than that, regardless of your employment status. This, of course, is by no ways a windfall and 1 reason many people effort to avoid it, if they can. However, the penalisation for a no-show tin exist much higher.

What Happens if I Fail to Appear for My Jury Service?

F.Due south. 40.23 holds that failure to attend equally a juror when you're duly summoned tin can result in:

  • A fine of upwardly to $100.
  • Contempt proceedings that could result in community service or other sanctions.
  • Possible jail time.

If you fail to written report, yous volition get a notice in the mail ordering y'all to contact the jury section. If you reschedule your service and then report on that date, you avoid penalties.

Let's say you take a vacation or important appointment scheduled on that appointment. Courts exercise allow you lot a one-fourth dimension postponement for which yous can defer service for up to half dozen months. You may even be able to select a referral date.

Now for the question of what actually happens. At to the lowest degree as it pertains to S Florida, contempt of courtroom charges and punishments for skipping jury duty are pretty rare. The Dominicus-Scout reported that in a full decade, just 33 people from Broward and Palm Beach Counties (among the largest for population in the state) faced antipathy allegations for ignoring jury service or juror misconduct. In that time, but five people went to jail. A few did community service. For many, the effect was nothing.

Ultimately, it will be up to the judge's discretion on how to handle it. You're more than likely to face up consequences if you fail to show up for jury duty multiple times. Occasionally, judges will round upward jury duty scofflaws and give them a court engagement where they volition accept an opportunity to reply for their failure to announced and give them an opportunity to rectify it.

Withal, it is worth noting there have been cases where prospective jurors were tossed into jail, ordered to do dozens of hours of community service or had to pay hefty fines as a result of their failure to appear. The problem for most people is they likely do non know much well-nigh the judge with whom they are dealing.

Lesser line if you lot get a summons for jury duty you should pace up to the call and exercise your civic duty every bit a denizen of the United States; in the event that you have a true conflict, y'all should reschedule your jury service, which can often practice and then without penalty. Nonetheless, if you receive notice that you are defendant of being in contempt of court, talk with an experienced trial lawyer for guidance.

 Garvin Injury Law serves the communities of Fort Myers, Naples, Sarasota, Port Charlotte, and Key Due west. Contact us at 800.977.7017 for a gratis initial consultation.


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